Warfare Vol.1 out now!

Goldenwest radio

CHVN Radio interview for latest single: Sacred Space.

Shalom World Christian Television Network

June 2022: Shalom crew flew in to Winnipeg to do a music video and artist profile program with Danielle Savard. Scheduled to air in August 2022.

June 2022: Shalom World crew flew in to film a music video and artist profile program with Danielle Savard, featuring Sacred Space, Your Timing’s Perfect, and her personal life.

Media Interview for first release: Gently

God’s voice stills and calms and convicts. I discovered He gives us deep peace when He’s showing us His will and the way for our life. His voice doesn’t cause fear or agitation or confusion. He leads us gently.
— Danielle Savard

CHVN Interview: Featuring “Still You’re Deeper”

Danielle is one of the most passionate singers I have ever met. Her gift and talent as a songwriter are second to none. She is truly one of Manitoba’s best kept secrets.
— Ray Martin


Shalom world tv beats episode, june 2022

Featured artist at MapleCrest Church

Live debut of Sacred Space at MapleCrest Church, Park Theatre.

Media Surrounding Your Timing’s Perfect

Danielle Savard is nominated for Spiritual Artist of the Year for the 2020 Western Canadian Music Awards. The nomination comes at an interesting time for the Winnipegger, who’s also a music therapist working on the front line of Manitoba’s healthcare facilities during this pandemic.”
— Marjorie Dowhos, CBC Up to Speed

Recording at Signpost Studio, Winnipeg MB