“Occasionally, a voice stands out as one that stills and settles the soul. Danielle Savard has such a voice, and her heart for God and worship resonates through her beautiful gift.
— Jaylene Johnson

It has long since been proven that music is a powerful healing force and Singer/Songwriter and Neurologic Music Therapist Danielle Savard breathes life into that truth with her rich fusion of life experience, forged faith, and therapeutic skill.

Born and raised in Winnipeg, Danielle began her journey in classical music, but after a pivotal year of national missionary work, she was drawn to the Christian & Contemporary pop genre. Following her cross-country missionary trek, she returned home to start up a praise and worship youth ministry called “FUEL,” run out of her local church.

Nominated for SpiritualArtist of the Year at the 2020 Western Canadian Music Awards, she made a life-changing connection with Steve Bell and went on to record with renowned producer Murray Pulver. Not long after she opened her own music therapy business, Healing & Harmony. Savard walks her talk, living her passion for self growth, healthy/holistic living, and self-care advocacy. Gifted with consolingly rich vocals, known for her raw authenticity, and driven by a passion for healing the broken-hearted, Danielle Savard invites others to find hope in the Source of her inspiration.